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Dr. Ahmed Bassyouni has received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Military Technical College in 1976, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Adaptive controls from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt in 1987, 1992, and Post Doctor from Boise State University 2001. Dr. Bassyouni is an expert of air defense systems technology, and a designer of complex sensors such as phased array surveillance radars, fire control radars, MTI, SAR, Airborne, Mortars Fires tracking radars, and integrated UAV battle field systems. He is a fellow consultant with the United Aerospace Companies in the United States.  He was a Research Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Boise State University, Idaho (1997-2002); Visitor Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Arkansas in (1993-1995); Teaching Assistant (1987-1992); Instructor of Engineering Science with the Air Defense College in Alexandria, Egypt (1981-1987). Dr. Bassyouni is a senior member, technical committee member, and co-chair conferences participant, of the IEEE, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) AIAA, (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) SME, and (Robotic Institute) RI, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). Also, He is an active member with the American Society of Quality (ASQ), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE). He is a member of Tau Beta Pi (The Engineering Honor Society), Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society), Phi Beta Delta (The International Honor Society). He is the author and coauthor of seven books, and over 180 papers, trades analysis documents and presentations in the areas of adaptive controls, robotics, RF/microwave systems, and radar systems. He leads the radars and missile control systems projects from the requirements to the prototype field testing, participating with innovative ideas, and advanced design techniques. He is a Certified Reliability Engineer (C.R.E.), and a Certified System Engineer (CSE). Dr. Bassyouni provides engineering consulting to the USA companies, and organizations of defense industry. He has been awarded over 25 research grants to pursue his work in integrated sensors.​​

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